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Overseas Academics

3 Tips for studying abroad

Are you a college student studying abroad? Here are 3 tips that will help you make the most out of your time abroad!

1. Try new things!

While studying abroad you will get the most out of your experience when you step out of your comfort zone and try new things. Whether new food or activity, trying new things helps you add memories to your once-in-a-lifetime trip. it also could help you find something you love that you never knew about before.

2. Don’t overpack!

As you prepare for your trip abroad it is best not to overpack. you may think "but I need this" or "what if they don't have this over here?". bringing too much can cause stress with trying to keep up with all your stuff. Also, no matter how long your time abroad is, you will buy souvenirs. not packing as much when you go means you have room to bring back whatever you may find during your study abroad trip.

3. Take so many pictures!

During your time abroad you want to be present in the moment, taking in all your experiences of a place and its culture. However, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! be sure to capture your memories no matter how big or small. pictures are worth a thousand words and will help you relive your trip every time you look back at them.


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