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Overseas Academics

Plan on Russia

Today is paralyzing. We are required to stay home, and keep our distance from strangers as well as the ones we love. However, this time creates a void in our life that can be filled with making plans on how we are going to broaden our education and our understanding of different cultures. Let's dive into Russia!

What is different about Russia? When we think of Russia we immediately think of communism, but Russia offers much more than a fundamental ideal of how a government should be ran. Instead let's discuss the positive aspects that Russia offers that you cannot experience in the United States; Culture, Architecture, and Food!

Russias culture culture has grown much from Eastern Slovania and very much influenced by nomadic Turkish as well and a strong Iranian influence. Today Russia is very much it's own "melting pot" with influence by Western Europe and the Eastern Hemisphere. Russia spans across Asia and into Europe causing many people to cite Russia location as Eurasia. Much like the United States, Russia is a Christian country with Russian Orthodoxy as its primary denomination.

Russian Architecture is unique all on its own. As demonstrated by the picture above of the Saint Basil's Cathedral on Red Square, Russia architecture is heavily influenced by early Byzentine Architecture. You can see much of it with neatly decorated in bright colors to grab the attention of interested tourists such as you and I. Today Russian architecture is more heavily influenced by Western Cultures.

Russian cuisines are some of the best and unique. Black bread is much more popular in Russia than nearly anywhere else in the world (and you just thought they drank vodka!) With a large coastal region Russia widely uses Fish and poultry. Perhaps one of the more common fish is a Herring. Herring is used in many ways but perhaps the Dressed Herring is the most popular. Very colorful due to the vinaigrette, the Dressed Herring is put together similar to how we put together Lasagne.

Another Russian Cuisine that nearly any American can appreciate is the Pelmini. Very similar to the Chinese dumplings the Pemini is primarily shredded pork wrapped in a thin dough. These are typically very small and have a similar shape to a ravioli. What is different from the Chinese is that China uses more broth for their dumpling. What separates it from Italian is that it is pork, not beef, and it does not include ricotta cheese or marinara.

Now that you read a bit about Russia, go experience Russia!


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